DFBTC Test Network Launch Announcement

2 min readJun 14, 2021


Dear users and community members, we will launch the DAPP test network in batches at 4:00 UTC PM on 6.15. The test network is at (Ropsten)

The first day of open beta features include:

DFBTC casting

DFBTC pledge

DFBTC release

Guarantor node.

Other features will be available for testing later this month,

The detailed documents will be released in succession, please check them then.

We have a big prize for the community to participate in the beta network,

Each community member who participated in the functional test and made valuable comments had the opportunity to receive 200U worth of AOM

Participate in DFBTC test network environment award winning process

Please post the test process and experience instructions on Twitter.

Post your playtest report on the promotion and use #DFBTC #defi.

Please post the process and experience instructions on the Reddit DFBTC community.

And contact the Telegram administrator to provide your wallet address after Posting.


DFBTC aims to solve the huge volatility risk of BTC and the lack of liquidity of cross-chain high-quality assets by the method of issuing standard ERC2.0 digital assets, adding risk resistant models and yielding to resist risks, and transfer high-quality BTC assets to Ethereum across the chain. DFBTC adopts 1:10000 ratio pledge casting and increase BTC cross-chain applications through DFBTC to make high-quality encrypted assets more efficient.

Contact DFBTC Network

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